Saturday, August 30, 2008

What salary do you deserve

Does anyone actually think about this. Most of us think we deserve more than what we are getting right now and may be few of us think that we are getting what we deserve. The second kind of people are generally those who are paid pretty well.
Well, infact, is it really important to know the answer for the title question. We are suppose to work more and always aim for better pay. This approach is good. But need not be right always.

One person must always climb one step at a time in his/her career to be stable on the top. Skipping a few steps and reaching the top fast may not keep you there for a long time.

There is a saying which I always believe in - "Never take a job which is too big for you, rather take a job which is big enough for you"

In my experience, this has always held true. if we are in the right job, there is always satisfaction and joy in your work.

And since salary is directly proportionate to how big your job is, we must make sure that we are aiming for the right one.

So think before you say your expected CTC to any employer next time.